
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lessons Learned

Below are some basic lessons learned while traveling through Mexico. All have been learned before. But, I think educational theory says it is necessary to learn something 3 times, 7 times, 100 times before it really sticks. So, here's to continuing to travel and continuing to learn.

1. When you have time, enjoy it.
2. It is ok to quit.
3. It is ok to stay.
4. Go to the place that sounds impossible to get to.
5. The beach really is that great.
6. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should, just because you can’t doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.
7. Limits are real. Find yours. Push them. Honor them.
8. When I am here, I am everywhere. When I am everywhere, I am never here.
9. Ten minute friendships with cab drivers are significant.
10. Be kind when traveling and traveling will be kind to you.
11. Earthquakes literally shake the earth.
12. Eat where the locals eat.
13. When eating out in Oaxaca, ask for the bill an hour before you actually want it.
14. Learning a language is not a side project.
15. Spend time alone.
16. You don't have to be friends with every traveler you meet.
17. Bootleg movies probably won't work.
18. You will never read all the books you pack.
19. Say yes more than you say no.
20. U.S. country songs do not accurately capture Mexico, but they do not get it all wrong either.

Tim McGraw says, 

“And that's why God made Mexico
A place where we can lay low
And the Cuervo goes down nice and slow
And the warm wind blows
That's why God made Mexico”

Garth Brooks sums it up,

“Rodeo or Mexico
They both keep a cowboy satisfied
Rodeo or Mexico
The only way I know how to decide
Is just get on and ride”

1 comment:

Larissa Z said...

Thanks for posting this. Now I'm picturing you, Tim McGraw, and Garth Brooks sippin' Cuervo and doing yoga on some Mexican beach. Muy caliente!