
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Spiritual Dust

A temazcal is a traditional Mexican sweat bath that stems from the Aztecs. It is a practice that has been used for centuries to cure physical and mental ailments as well as for cleanliness. Throughout Oaxaca I have seen signs for temazcals and was planning to do one when I got back to Oaxaca with my friend Nikki. However, sometimes when traveling, things find you before you find them.

The place I stayed in Mazunte doubled as both a place to sleep and a place to heal. The owner was trained in many massage techniques, though I never got a massage. He recently brought on an apprentice, Samira, who hailed from Austria, and was clearly of another realm. Together, they presented a powerful team of healing energy.

When I first arrived, I noticed an abundance of herbs on tables. They seemed to be amassing each day. On Tuesday, I was complaining of some stomach pain to Samira. She gently looked at me and told me that I should join them in the temazcal that evening. It would help me a lot she said. Of course, I agreed.

That night also happened to be a full moon adding to the majesty of the event. At 7pm a group of 10 of us gathered in a circle and built a fire together full of logs, sticks, herbs and stones. Once it was stoked, Emiliano blew his conch shell and said prayers to the four directions and mother earth. The night took on a life of its own as people sang, shared their intentions and feelings, danced, and beat drums. Even the sky decided to join the fun. For the first time in years, and maybe ever (according to Emiliano), it stormed in February. The rainy season is not supposed to happen til late summer.

Once the stones were thoroughly heated, the 10 of us squeezed tightly into the temazcal. 

Burning hot stones were placed in the center, and the heat and herbs filled the air. As the spirits stirred, the sweat dripped. Having been in many saunas, I was expecting a similar sensation. I was wrong. Yet, I lack the words to explain exactly why. What I do have is a poem I wrote after the 4 hour ceremony and sweat lodge experience. I think it speaks for itself.
My body is full of spiritual dust.
Look closely and you will see.

Little fairies are flying out of my ears.
My skin glistens with stars that have filled my insides.
When I breathe deeply, shooting stars sneak out.

Roses grow in my armpits.
Spring showers have become my morning breath.
I create gardens with a kiss.

My feet drip with honey and lavender.
My fingernails are painted with the sun.
The moon has kissed my face, leaving craters in my cheeks.

The wind blows melodies through my voice.
The sunset shares its paintbrushes with me.
The sea fills my sentences.

I sweat love.
My hugs are made of wool.
Embers sparkle in my heart.

Do not worry.
This is not just in me.

Look closely within yourself.

It is all there too.

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